Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am white. I love Lord of the Rings. My name is Frodo Baggins and i took Creative Writing so that i would not have to take English.The things i would do to be in Lord of the Rings is probably not to be said over my blog, but i will tell you now i would do ANYTHING. When i am done with this class i hope i can be the best, most creative writer in history of this class. Thank you for listening to what i had to say and have a good day mate.


  1. I hope you decide to put why you would like to be in LotR in one of your future posts. I tihnk it would be a great way to express yourself and it couldn't hut.

  2. Yes yes, let us know what you would do to be in LotR. Would you kidnap Elijah Wood? Would you push Ian McKellen over and laugh at him?

  3. white people power!!!!!!!! one love jah love
